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The European Professional Beekeepers Association (EPBA) is an association of beekeeping organisations of EU member states. There are no individual memberships. The present and pending member organisations represent most of the professional and semi-professional beekeepers in Europe.

Membership has been applied for from other organisations, from affiliated non-EU countries. The organisation is funded by annual membership dues and functions through membership representatives voluntering their time.

EPBA has sent delegates to EU conferences and has met with representsatives of the EU commission (DG-Agri and DG-Environment).

The Mission of EPBA is the europe wide and international cooperation of it‘s members as well as the coordination of activities, in particular the representation of the interests of beekeepers, with a focus on commercial and professional beekeepers, as well as the representation of related environmental interests towards all relevant authorities, institutions, politicians, media and the public on international, European, Member States’, regional and local levels.